


  • Home range scaling: intraspecific and comparative trends.

    abstract::Intraspecific and intrasexual variation in home range size, body mass and ecological productivity is examined in three selected species of Carnivora (Felis rufus: Canis latrans; Ursus americanus), reflecting different diets. We then compare the intraspecific results with prior cross-species studies. Home range size an...


    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Gompper ME,Gittleman JL

    更新日期:1991-09-01 00:00:00

  • Resource allocation of beech seedlings (Fagus sylvatica L.) -relationship to earthworm activity and soil conditions.

    abstract::The physiological activity and C and N allocation of beech seedlings planted in two different beech forest soils (acid brown earth, rendzina) were studied over 80 days. One adult earthworm Octolasion lacteum (Örley) was placed in half of the containers. Transpiration, CO2, assimilation, chlorophyll synthesis and N inc...


    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Wolters V,Stickan W

    更新日期:1991-09-01 00:00:00

  • Small-scale distributional dynamics of the yellow water-lily and its herbivore Galerucella nymphaeae (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae).

    abstract::I followed the within-generation distribution of a chewing specialist herbivore, the water-lily beetle, on individually marked leaves of the yellow water-lily. Yellow water-lilies produced new leaves steadily throughout the growth season. Average leaf longevity was 3-4 weeks, much shorter than the developmental time o...


    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Kouki J

    更新日期:1991-09-01 00:00:00

  • Direct and indirect interactions between ants (Pheidole megacephala), scales (Coccus viridis) and plants (Pluchea indica).

    abstract::This study investigated direct and indirect interactions between the ant, Pheidole megacephala (Fabr.), the green scale, Coccus viridis (Green), and the scale's host plant, Pluchea indica (L.). To examine the influence of ants on scales and host plants, scale population densities, scale mortality rates, and plant perf...


    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Bach CE

    更新日期:1991-07-01 00:00:00

  • The effect of light quantity and quality during development on the photosynthetic characteristics of six Australian rainforest tree species.

    abstract::Seedlings of six subtropical rainforest tree species representing early (Omalanthus populifolius, Solanum aviculare), middle (Duboisia myoporoides, Euodia micrococca) and late (Acmena ingens, Argyrodendron actinophyllum) successional stages in forest development were grown in a glasshouse, under four levels of neutral...


    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Turnbull MH

    更新日期:1991-06-01 00:00:00

  • Demographic costs of Chaoborus-induced defences in Daphnia pulex: a sensitivity analysis.

    abstract::We examined the demographic costs of Chaoborus-induced defensive spine structures in Daphnia pulex. Our aim was to assess the role of resource limitation and the interaction effects of limiting food level and antipredator structures on fitness of D. pulex and to pinpoint those life stages that are most sensitive to ch...


    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Walls M,Caswell H,Ketola M

    更新日期:1991-06-01 00:00:00

  • Plasticity in the degree of CAM-cycling and its relationship to drought stress in five species of Talinum (Portulacaceae).

    abstract::The degree of CAM-cycling was examined in plants from 23 populations representing five morphologically similar species of Talinum to determine how CAM-cycling correlates with site aridity and drought stress. In the field, CAM-cycling, as indicated by the amount of malic acid accumulated in plant tissues overnight, and...


    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Harris FS,Martin CE

    更新日期:1991-05-01 00:00:00

  • Resource limitation of tephritid flies on lesser burdock, Arctium minus (Hill) Bernh. (Compositae).

    abstract::The intensity of resource exploitation by phytophagous insects is usually considered to reflect population size. For populations of two flowerhead-attacking tephritid flies, however, the resources utilised were not related to the numbers of searching adults. Tephritis bardanae Schrank attacked 11-13% of the total flow...


    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Straw NA

    更新日期:1991-05-01 00:00:00

  • Energy allocation in the cladoceran Daphnia magna Straus, under starvation and refeeding.

    abstract::Models incorporating the energetics of individual daphnids (Cladocera) have been developed to predict the effect of environmental variables, particularly food availability, on population dynamics. One of them, that of Kooijman (1986), assumes that all assimilated energy enters a storage compartment prior to use in pro...


    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Bradley MC,Perrin N,Calow P

    更新日期:1991-05-01 00:00:00

  • Dynamics of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizae during old field succession.

    abstract::The species composition of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungal communities changed during secondary succession of abandoned fields based on a field to forest chronosequence. Twenty-five VAM fungal species were identified. Seven species were clearly early successional and five species were clearly late succes...


    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Johnson NC,Zak DR,Tilman D,Pfleger FL

    更新日期:1991-05-01 00:00:00

  • The effect of resource integration on fitness related traits in a clonal dune perennial, Hydrocotyle bonariensis.

    abstract::The costs and benefits of resource integration in Hydrocotyle bonariensis were examined by comparing severed and intact clones grown across multiple resource gradients. Basipetal movement of water, nitrogen and photosynthates was demonstrated to occur between two rhizome branch systems interconnecting hundreds of rame...


    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Evans JP

    更新日期:1991-04-01 00:00:00

  • Within-population variation in localized and integrated responses of Trifolium repens to biotically patchy environments.

    abstract::Genets of Trifolium repens (white clover) were collected from three patches of old permanent pasture dominated by Agrostis capillaris, Holcus lanatus or Lolium perenne. Plants derived from the genets were grown with plants of one grass species present on one side of each T. repens, and a different grass species on the...


    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Turkington R,Hamilton RS,Gliddon C

    更新日期:1991-04-01 00:00:00

  • Thorns as induced defenses: experimental evidence.

    abstract::We report evidence from controlled experiments that long straight thorns deter herbivory by browsers. Cut branches of three woody species that had their thorns removed suffered significantly greater herbivory by a tethered goat than did paired intact branches. Branches on living Acacia seyal plants that had their thor...


    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Milewski AV,Young TP,Madden D

    更新日期:1991-03-01 00:00:00

  • The effect of soil nutrient status on prey utilization in four carnivorous plants.

    abstract::The hypothesis that carnivorous plants are less responsive to prey at high soil nutrient levels than at lower levels (Givnish et al. 1984) is tested on four plant species (Drosera rotundifolia, Pinguicula alpina, P. villosa and P. vulgaris) from a subarctic environment. The response, measured in terms of seven charact...


    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Karlsson PS,Nordell KO,Carlsson BÅ,Svensson BM

    更新日期:1991-03-01 00:00:00

  • Experimental studies on direct and indirect interactions in a three trophic-level stream system.

    abstract::We used a complete block design to experimentally study direct and indirect interactions in a three trophic-level freshwater system consisting of a top predator, the green sunfish, Lepomis cyanellus, an intermediate predator, small-mouthed salamander larvae, Ambystoma barbouri, and prey, hatchling isopods, Lirceus fon...


    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Huang C,Sih A

    更新日期:1991-02-01 00:00:00

  • Fire intensity and herbivory effects on postfire resprouting of Adenostoma fasciculatum in southern California chaparral.

    abstract::Resprouting is the main regeneration mechanism after fire in Mediterranean-type ecosystems. Herbivores play an important role in controlling postfire seedling establishment, but their influence on regeneration by resprouting is less well known. To study the effects of fire intensity on resprouting of Adenostoma fascic...


    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Moreno JM,Oechel WC

    更新日期:1991-01-01 00:00:00

  • Influence of digestive morphology on resource partitioning in Amazonian ungulates.

    abstract::Resource partitioning of diet and habitat use was studied in the entire Amazonian ungulate community of Northeastern Peru, which comprises the red brocket deer (Mazama americana), grey brocket deer (M. gouazoubira), collared peccary (Tayassu tajacu), white-lipped peccary (T. pecari), and lowland tapir (Tapirus terrest...


    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Bodmer RE

    更新日期:1991-01-01 00:00:00

  • Home range - body mass relations: a field study on African browsing ruminants.

    abstract::Home range data were collected concurrently from four syntopic browsing ruminant species in a conserved savanna ecosystem. Mean home range areas were: giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis) 282 km2; kudu (Tragelaphus strepsiceros) 21.9 km2; impala (Aepyceros melampus) 5.82 km2; steenbok (Raphicerus campestris) 0.62 km2. Hom...


    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: du Toit JT

    更新日期:1990-12-01 00:00:00

  • Anti-predator strategies in oviposition site selection of Pyrrhosoma nymphula (Zygoptera: Odonata).

    abstract::Selection of sites for oviposition when the risk of predation by green frogs was variable studied in tandems of the damselfly Pyrrhosoma nymphula. In the absence of predators the number of tandems landing increased with the size of the oviposition site and with the number of pairs already present. Pairs approaching an...


    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Rehfeldt GE

    更新日期:1990-12-01 00:00:00

  • Genetic variation in and covariation between leaf gas exchange, morphology, and development in Polygonum arenastrum, an annual plant.

    abstract::We present evidence of genetic variation in and covariation between leaf-level gas exchange properties and leaf size among family lines of Polygonum arenastrum. This self-fertilizing annual had previously been shown to vary genetically in developmental phenology and in morphology (size of leaves, internodes, flowers a...


    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Geber MA,Dawson TE

    更新日期:1990-12-01 00:00:00

  • Structure of herbivore communities in two oak (Quercus spp.) hybrid zones.

    abstract::We examined patterns of density and species diversity for leaf-mining Lepidopterans and gall-forming Hymenopterans in two oak (Quercus spp.) hybrid zones: Quercus depressipes x Q. rugosa and Q. emoryi x Q. coccolobifolia. In both species complexes, hybrid hosts typically supported significantly lower densities and spe...


    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Boecklen WJ,Spellenberg R

    更新日期:1990-11-01 00:00:00

  • Climatic change and its ecological implications at a subantarctic island.

    abstract::Marion Island (47°S, 38°E) has one of the most oceanic climates on earth, with consistently low air temperatures, high precipitation, constantly high humidity, and low incident radiation. Since 1968 mean surface air temperature has increased significantly, by 0.025° C year-1. This was strongly associated with correspo...


    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Smith VR,Steenkamp M

    更新日期:1990-11-01 00:00:00

  • Effects of freshwater and marine overwintering environments on life histories of threespine sticklebacks: evidence for adaptive variation between anadromous and resident freshwater populations.

    abstract::Life history theory predicts that migratory fishes should delay reproduction, be larger at first reproduction, and have higher fecundities than nonmigrants. We tested this hypothesis by comparing life histories of anadromous ("estuary") and resident freshwater ("upstream") threespine sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeat...


    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Snyder RJ,Dingle H

    更新日期:1990-10-01 00:00:00

  • Submersed macrophyte growth at low pH : I. CO2 enrichment effects with fertile sediment.

    abstract::Vallisneria americana was grown for six weeks in a greenhouse on relatively fertile sediment to test for factors other than nutrient limitation which may slow growth of this submersed macrophyte at pH 5. On the basis of dry mass accumulated, (1) low pH significantly depressed Vallisneria growth at constant free CO2 le...


    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Titus JE,Feldman RS,Grisé D

    更新日期:1990-10-01 00:00:00

  • The population biology of Bromus tectorum in forests: effect of disturbance, grazing, and litter on seedling establishment and reproduction.

    abstract::The effect of tree canopy, understory, herbivores, and litter depth on seedling establishment, survival, and reproduction of the alien grass, Bromus tectorum (cheatgrass), was examined in a series of experiments in four forest habitat types in western North America. Higher recruitment, survival, and reproduction on cl...


    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Pierson EA,Mack RN

    更新日期:1990-10-01 00:00:00

  • The significance of ant and plant traits for ant pollination in Leporella fimbriata.

    abstract::Ant metapleural glands secrete surface antibiotics that affect pollen as well as bacteria and fungi. This may be one reason why ant pollination is rare. It is predicted that pollination by ants is possible only in the presence of certain ant and/or plant traits. Two traits are investigated; first, absence of the metap...


    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Peakall R,Angus CJ,Beattie AJ

    更新日期:1990-10-01 00:00:00

  • Are xylem-tapping mistletoes partially heterotrophic?

    abstract::Carbon isotope ratios, photosynthesis, and transpiration were measured on a xylem-tapping mistletoe (Phoradendron juniperinum) and its host (Juniperus osteosperma) in southern Utah, USA. For host tissues, the carbon isotope ratios agreed with theoretical values predicted from gas exchange observations. However, for mi...


    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Marshall JD,Ehleringer JR

    更新日期:1990-09-01 00:00:00

  • Prosopis glandulosa and the nitrogen balance of rangelands: extent and occurrence of nodulation.

    abstract::We report the recovery of root nodules from P. glandulosa var. glandulosa in the eastern portion of its range, where the species reaches its greatest vegetational development. Single cores 4.7 cm in diameter and up to 250 cm deep yielded from 0 to over 250 nodules. Nodules were found at all depths below 10 cm, with th...


    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Johnson HB,Mayeux HS Jr

    更新日期:1990-09-01 00:00:00

  • Autumnal leaf conductance and apparent photosynthesis by saplings and sprouts in a recently disturbed northern hardwood forest.

    abstract::Leaf surface conductance and apparent photosynthesis were measured during late summer and autumn on saplings and sprouts of pin cherry (Prunus pensylvanica), yellow birch (Betula alleghaniensis), American beech (Fagus grandifolia), and sugar maple (Acer saccharum) naturally revegetating a site in the northern hardwood...


    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Amthor JS,Gill DS,Bormann FH

    更新日期:1990-08-01 00:00:00

  • Seed yield, seed size and germination behaviour in the annualPogogyne abramsii.

    abstract::Models of the evolution of seed dormancy reveal that dormancy is favoured either when opportunities for establishment vary over time and when there is wide variation in the probability of success, or when the probability of success is limited by frequency dependence. Empirical evidence supporting the temporal heteroge...


    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Zammit C,Zedler PH

    更新日期:1990-08-01 00:00:00

  • Fine root biomass under light gap openings in an Amazon rain forest.

    abstract::Belowground processes in light gap openings are poorly understood, particularly in tropical forests. Fine roots in three zones of light gap openings and adjacent intact forest were regularly measured in buried bags and surface litter envelopes for 2 years. Fine root biomass does not vary significantly within gaps for ...


    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Sanford RL Jr

    更新日期:1990-07-01 00:00:00

  • The economics of escape behaviour in the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum.

    abstract::Pea aphids have several alternative responses to the detection of alarm pheromone produced by conspecifics. One of these, dropping from the feeding site to the ground, is potentially costly owing to the risk of desiccation-induced mortality on the ground before another host plant can be reached. Both dropping and walk...


    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Dill LM,Fraser AH,Roitberg BD

    更新日期:1990-07-01 00:00:00

  • Pollen limitation and distance-dependent fecundity in females of the clonal gynodioecious herb Glechoma hederacea (Lamiaceae).

    abstract::Pollen movement is often restricted in natural populations, and insufficient pollination is a potential constraint on sexual reproduction in outcrossing species. Seed-set should decrease with increased distance from the pollen source in outcrossing plants. This prediction was tested using females of the clonal, gynodi...


    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Widén B,Widén M

    更新日期:1990-06-01 00:00:00

  • Size-selective predation by roach (Rutilus rutilus) on zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha): field stuides.

    abstract::Studies of predation by roach (Rutilus rutilus) on zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) in a large, eutrophic lake showed that there was a clearly marked size threshold (∼ 160 mm SL) above which roach began to feed on mussels. Roach preying on various sizes of mussels selected them in proportions different from their a...


    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Prejs A,Lewandowski K,Stańczykowska-Piotrowska A

    更新日期:1990-06-01 00:00:00

  • The impact of climatic factors and host density on the long-term population dynamics of vole helminths.

    abstract::The seasonal and long-term population dynamics of helminths parasitizing voles suggested that density-dependent factors might be important in the population dynamics of common species, whereas density-independent factors predominate in the regulation of the rare species. To test this, we used single and multiple regre...


    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Haukisalmi V,Henttonen H

    更新日期:1990-06-01 00:00:00

  • Plasticity of reproductive components at different stages of development in the annual plant Thlaspi arvense L.

    abstract::This study examines the effect of different densities and the removal of all neighbours at different stages of development on all components of reproduction in the inbreeding annual Thlaspi arvense L. A 64-fold increase in density significantly reduced all repooductive components. The number of flower buds per plant w...


    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Matthies D

    更新日期:1990-05-01 00:00:00

  • On the stabilization of animal numbers. Problems of testing : 3. What do we conclude from significant test results?

    abstract::When testing census data of insect populations for regulation, and/or for overall density dependence in the course of numbers over years, certain conditions, which follow from the testing models, should be fulfilled. Even if the series of densities may be considered a piece of first-order Markov chain (a necessary con...


    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Den Boer PJ

    更新日期:1990-05-01 00:00:00

  • Comparative demography of co-occurring introduced and native tussock grasses: persistence and potential expansion.

    abstract::Demographic characteristics associated with the maintenance and growth of populations, such as seed dynamics, seedling emergence, survival, and tiller dynamics were examined for two tussock grasses, the native Agropyron spicatum and the introduced Agropyron desertorum in a 30-month field study. The introduced grass wa...


    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Pyke DA

    更新日期:1990-04-01 00:00:00

  • Size-dependent variation of gender in high density stands of the monoecious annual, Ambrosia artemisiifolia (Asteraceae).

    abstract::We examined the relationship between size variability and the distribution of functional gender in stands of the monoecious, wind-pollinated annual Ambrosia artemisiifolia. Populations of 60 individuals were grown in the greenhouse at a density of 372 m-2 and at two nutrient levels. Among the surviving plants, after s...


    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Ackerly DD,Jasieński M

    更新日期:1990-04-01 00:00:00

  • Male demographic constraints to extreme sex ratio in the twospotted spider mite.

    abstract::Twospotted spider mites, Tetranychus urticae Koch are arrhenotokous. As a result of this genetic structure, primary and secondary sex ratios diverge from the 1:1 female:male ratio commonly found in diploid systems. Ratios vary, but 3:1 is the most common. The influence of life history parameters on spider mite sex rat...


    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Krainacker DA,Carey JR

    更新日期:1990-03-01 00:00:00

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